Terms Of Service

The following policies provide additional terms of service related to your Hasan Independent IT Services (also known as “Hasan IT” and “Hasan IT Services“) account. In addition to these terms and conditions you must also comply with our Privacy Policy.

All Hasan IT products and services are available only to persons who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, Hasan IT Products and Services are not available to individuals under the age of 18. If you do not qualify, you are not permitted to use these products or services.

terms of service graphic for Hasan IT Services

Acceptance of these Terms of Service

The customer signifies acceptance of these terms of service as well as our Privacy Policy when Hasan Independent IT Services accepts the customer’s order for Services. The Customer acknowledges that they are aware of the contents of and agrees to be bound by these terms.

Hasan Independent IT Services has the right to revise these Terms of Service at any time without providing notice to its users. Your continued use of Hasan IT Products and Services and/or your Account shall be deemed irrevocable acceptance of those revisions.

By purchasing services from Hasan Independent IT Services via HasanIT.co.uk, you agree to be bound by and accept the following terms of service:

Commencement of the Agreement

This agreement commences on the date Hasan Independent IT Services accepts the customer’s order for Services. No Contract shall come into existence until the Customer’s order has been accepted by Hasan Independent IT Services and a deposit or up front payment is paid by the customer.

Service Description

Hasan Independent IT Services is an online design, development and support service exclusively for WordPress websites and Data Engineering services. This includes all services displayed on HasanIT.co.uk or offered privately to each client.

Hasan Independent IT Services reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the availability of any service at any time at its sole discretion and without prior notice.


You are engaging Hasan Independent IT Services as an independent contractor to perform work as described in the service(s) you have purchased. To perform these tasks access is required to your website, hosting account, database or other essential software, data systems and information. By purchasing a product or service via Hasan Independent IT Services you give authorization to access and modify the directories, files and database of your website and hosting account.

All other authorisations and accesses required will be detailed in the statement of work (referred to as “SOW“). Each SOW is specific to each project carried out for you.

Hasan Independent IT Services takes no responsibility for your legal interests. Therefore it is the client’s responsibility to ensure that information, logo’s and images comply with copyright law and you have permission to publish your selected information.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Hasan Independent IT Services be liable under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or other legal theory with respect to the website, any services provided or purchased, for any lost profits or special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever.

Support Requests and Time

Support requests must be through the correct channels, and directly relate to your WordPress website or any Data Engineering services we have delivered or conducted for the client.

Membership entitles you to support, development and design time (hours) & packages. if additional development and design time is needed it can be purchased at a rate At the hour rate specified on the signed SOW.

Support requests must directly relate to the WordPress website or Data Engineering project associated with the client’s account, and are responded to within 24 hours, usually much less.

Cancellation and Refunds

Our web design packages have 30-Day Money Back Guarantee without any question. And our support tasks in relation to WordPress websites will only be paid if customer satisfaction is implemented. All our Data Engineering projects are none refundable and are governed by the terms outlined in the SOW agreed with the customer.

No refunds are available after your purchased package or service has been completed and approved by customer, unless otherwise specified in any authorized promotional materials and marketing campaigns.

Promotions and Advertising

Promotional offers for Hasan Independent IT Services or partners may be sent together with email reports. Hasan Independent IT Services also reserves the rights to display third party advertisements on the website (HasanIT.co.uk). This website may contain some affiliate links to businesses, products or services we would recommend.

Pricing and payments

All prices appearing on this site are subject to change without notice. If pricing changes affect subscriptions or ongoing charges clients will be notified via their nominated email account with a minimum of 2 weeks notice.

All payments to be made by customer including payment amount and due date will be clearly detailed in the agreed SOW.

Service refusal

Hasan Independent IT Services reserves the right to refuse service to any website, individual, business or contractor. We do not accept websites that contain offensive, pornographic, hateful or malicious content.