Top 10 Essential Linux Commands

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Linux is the defacto operating system (OS) for any tech enthusiasts, developers and system administrators. Due to its versatility and power it is undeniable how popular it has become with Microsoft even supporting Linux on Windows machines via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Allowing developers to install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu and use Linux applications, utilities, and Bash command-line tools directly on Windows.

Embarking on the Linux journey can be a thrilling adventure into the world of open-source computing. Whether you’re a seasoned user or just taking your first steps into this powerful operating system, mastering a few essential commands is key to navigating the Linux landscape with confidence and efficiency. Let’s delve in to the top 10 fundamental Linux commands that form the backbone of any Linux user’s skill set. These commands are the building blocks that empower users to harness the full potential of their Linux systems.

top 10 essential linux commands hasan it services

List Directory Contents

The “ls” command short for “list” is an essential tool for listing out the contents of your current directory. It unveils the files and sub-directories it holds. Used without any options, “ls” provides a straightforward list of the items within your working directory, offering a quick visual reference for a rapid overview of your surroundings.

The “ls” command can be used with several options such as “-l(long format), “-a(all) and “-t (time-based-sorting).

The “-l” option provides additional details such as file permissions, ownership, size, and modification dates. This extended view enhances your understanding of the listed items.

The “-a” option uncovers hidden files that are typically concealed. This option ensures nothing remains in the shadows, exposing even the files prefixed with a dot.

The “-t” option sorts files by modification time, showcasing the most recently modified files at the top. This option is particularly useful when tracking the latest changes in your directory.

These options can also be combined together allowing you to combine their effects.

Change Directory

The “cd” command allows users to navigate the directory structure using both relative and absolute paths. Moving between directories is as simple as typing cd followed by the directory name which is an example of the absolute path.

You do not need to move between directories in single hops by using “/” you can specify the drill down to the sub-directories providing the absolute path. This method allows you to navigate directly to the desired location from anywhere in the system.

You can also use relative paths to navigate the file system. For example, “..” allows you step back and go up a directory from your current working directory. This relative path is invaluable for efficient movement within your file structure.

If you need to return to your home directory from anywhere in the file system this can be achieved swiftly with the “~” symbol. This shortcut ensures you’re always just a command away from your home directory.

We have been mentioning “current directory” a lot but how can you tell where you are in the Linux file system and get the absolute path to your directory?

The “pwd” command, standing for “print working directory“, unveils the precise location of your current position within the Linux file system.

Executing this straightforward command provides you with the absolute path to your current working directory. The output reveals the complete path from the root directory to your current location, eliminating any ambiguity about your position.


Copying files and directories is a common task. The command “cp” short for “copy” facilitates this operation, allowing users to duplicate files and directories for efficient data management and manipulation.

The first argument after the “cp” command is the source file or directory to be copied and the second argument is the destination for the file or directory to be copied to.

Execute this command to duplicate “file.txt” to the specified directory.

When copying a directory you can use the option “-r” to copy entire directories. This recursive copying ensures all contents within the source directory are replicated.

Users can also use the option “-a” when copying a directory or file to preserve the original file attributes, including timestamps and permissions. This is crucial when maintaining the integrity of the copied data.

Move or Rename

The “mv” command in Linux named for “move” serves a dual purpose. It not only relocates files and directories but is also used in renaming operations. Similar to the “cp” command we have to provide two arguments; “source” and “destination“.

Use this command to relocate “file.txt” to the specified directory. The original file is seamlessly transferred.

Execute the “mv” command to rename files. Simply provide the current name followed by the desired new name, and the file undergoes a swift transformation. The “source” and “destination” provided must be in the same location.

Sometimes when moving files and directories you may want to overwrite an existing one with the new one being moved. This can be achieved by activating the “-f” option for forceful moves, overwriting existing files in the destination without prompts. Exercise caution when utilising this option.

Remove and Delete

The “rm” command, standing for “remove,” is a tool in the Linux toolkit for deleting files and directories. Exercise caution when utilising this command, as it wields the power to permanently erase data from your system.

This straightforward command removes the specified file “file.txt“, freeing up space on your system.

When removing directories that are not empty utilise the “-r” option to recursively remove directories and their contents. Exercise caution, as this action is irreversible.

Make Directory

It is all well knowing how to remove directories but how can we create them?

This can be achieved using the “mkdir” command in Linux. Short for “make directory“, this essential tool empowers you to build a structured environment, facilitating efficient data organisation.

The “mkdir” command allows you to create a new directory with the specified name, setting the foundation for an organised file structure.

Use the “-p” option to create both parent and sub-directories in one command. This ensures the creation of a complete directory path without manual intervention.

Remove Directory

The “rmdir” command which stands for “remove directory” allows you to remove specified empty directories, maintaining a clutter-free file structure.

For non-empty directories, “rm -r” is commonly used (see above).

Global Regular Expression Print (grep)

Dive into text processing and pattern matching with the formidable “grep” command in Linux. Short for “Global Regular Expression Print“, “grep” empowers you to search and filter text, making it an invaluable tool for digging into files and extracting specific information.

The “grep” command, combined with a “pattern” and a target “file“, scans the file for occurrences of the specified pattern.

Discover instances of the specified “search_term” within the target file “file.txt“, providing insights into the occurrences and locations.

Utilise the “-r” option to perform a recursive search within directories, uncovering patterns across multiple files.

Elevating Privileges with Authority “Superuser Do”

The “sudo” command stands as the gatekeeper, granting users the authority to execute privileged commands. Short for “superuser do“, “sudo” allows users to perform administrative tasks and access system-critical functions while maintaining a secure and controlled environment.

Precede a command with “sudo” to elevate its execution to superuser or root privileges, enabling users to carry out administrative actions.

Keep your system up-to-date by leveraging “sudo” for updating repositories and upgrading installed packages.


As we conclude our exploration of top 10 fundamental Linux commands, we’ve equipped you with a solid foundation in the tools essential for effective and efficient command-line navigation and and system management. These commands serve as the foundation for navigating and optimising your Linux environment.

Whether you’re a Linux beginner or an experienced user, remember mastering these basics not only enhances your skills but serve as the building blocks for seamless interaction with the Linux system. Embrace the command line, and soon you’ll find it to be a powerful ally in your computing journey.

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